Lunes, Abril 7, 2014

Tie Your Alarm System Equipment in to Your Furnace

Did you know that your alarm system equipment has come a long ways in the past few years? No longer is your alarm system equipment restricted to making a noise when someone walks in the door and doesn’t disarm it.

You can now control your thermostat with your alarm system equipment. This gives you incredible power and flexibility in what you can do.

For example, if you have a cabin up in an area that often reaches bellow freezing temperatures, you can have your alarm system equipment send you an alert if the area around your water pipes gets close to freezing.

Or you can set up a schedule that will make sure to kick on the furnace if the temperature gets too low, regardless if you are planning a trip out to the cabin or not.

You can even use your smart phone and warm the cabin up before you and the family arrive, so you’re not walking into your cabin and trying to unload in the freezing cold.

Tie Your Alarm System Equipment to Your Door Locks

Remember having to leave a key outside of your vacation home, and then worrying that the last visitors made copies of it so they could access it at any time? Or getting a call from your child letting you know that they were locked out of the house again because they forgot their key inside again?

All of those problems are now in the past for you. Your new alarm system equipment can tie in directly to your door locks. Now you can unlock your home with your smartphone, or set up separate passcodes for each child so that you know exactly when they come home from school. You can even program your alarm system equipment to send you a text message the second your son or daughter get home from school.

For your rental home or vacation house, you can now rent out the place with complete confidence, only activating your door lock to open with a particular code for the week that the visitors are suppose to be there.

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